• MPNRF | September 24, 2014

    September 24, 2014

    Dr Angela Fleischman has opened a MPN research laboratory at University of California – Irvine. More information on the lab can be found here. She is looking for help collecting blood samples of MPN patients for a study of the MPN inflammatory processes. If you are an MPN patient in Southern California and are looking for more information about this project please see below.

    “My laboratory studies the role of inflammation in MPN. MPN patients have excessive inflammation which not only causes many of the symptoms but may also be an underlying driver of disease initiation and progression. We are working to define exactly why MPN patients produce excessive amounts of inflammatory proteins (also known as cytokines). We have found in preliminary studies that immune cells from MPN patients have difficulty turning off the production of inflammatory cytokines. In order to confirm these findings and identify exactly why MPN immune cells have difficulty turning off the production of inflammatory cytokines we would like to use freshly isolated cells from MPN patient blood. For participants this would require a brief meeting with me to explain the study and sign the consent form followed by collection of 2 tubes of blood. After collection, blood will be de-identified and participant’s privacy will be totally preserved. The results are solely for the purpose of MPN research and will not be sold to 2nd/3rd parties. If you are interested in participating please contact me at or 949-824-4144. “

    Angela G. Fleischman M.D. Ph.D. | Assistant Professor
    Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology
    UC Irvine Health

    839 Medical Sciences Court
    Sprague Hall B100
    Irvine, CA 92697
    Tel: 949-824-2559 (office)
    949-824-4144 (lab)
    Fax: 888-711-5258